
XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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br. Alois, Prior of Taizé

XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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Monastic hospitality and reconciliation between the Churches

Read more: br. Alois, Prior of Taizé

br. Alois, Prior of Taizé

Alois Löser is the prior of the Monastic community of Taizé since 2005. He was born in 1954 in Bavaria. He entered the Taizé community in 1974; there he has devoted much of his time to listening to and accompanying young people. Before the fall of the Berlin wall, Brother Alois made numerous journeys in Central Europe to support the Christians there, then under communist regimes. Over the years, he has coordinated the organization of international meetings at Taizé and the European meetings held in several of the continent’s major cities. Being interested in music and liturgy, he prepared for publication the new Taizé book of prayers: “Prayer for Each Day” and has composed a number of the songs of Taizé. As prior of the community, brother Alois carries out this ministry at Taizé and in visiting the brothers living in small groups in Brazil, Bangladesh, Korea, Senegal, and Kenya. He regularly visits Church leaders: Pope Benedict, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. “Through these visits, – he says – I would like to show that, with the brothers, we passionately seek communion between Christians. In Taizé we want to contribute to giving greater visibility to the communion which, in Christ, already exists between all who are baptized.”

Boulos Wehbe, Notre Dame University, Beirut

XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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The dialogue with Islam in the Antiochian Church

Read more: Boulos Wehbe, Notre Dame University, Beirut

Boulos Wehbe, Notre Dame University, Beirut

Boulos Wehbe is senior lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the Notre Dame University of Beirut.
He has been at NDU for ten years and in university teaching since 1983. He has also been director of the Student Affairs Office at NDU. His interests include ecumenical dialogue, Christian-Muslim dialogue, cultural/sociological/anthropological issues, and liturgy. He has participated in numerous conferences, consultations, and workshops, in addition to giving many lectures, in Lebanon, USA, and in several Arab and European countries. He is affiliated with the Faith and Unity unit at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and has worked closely with the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Lebanese and the Arab Forums for Muslim-Christian dialogue, as well as with many other local, regional and international bodies. He is the coordinator of the Joint Christian Education Committee, which produces ecumenical Christian educational books under the auspices of the Synod of the Patriarch of the East, and is a priest in the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Beirut. He has written and published numerous articles.

Claudio Monge, Dominican Studies, Istanbul

XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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The hospitable God in the religions that have Abraham as father

Read more: Claudio Monge, Dominican Studies, Istanbul

Claudio Monge, Dominican Studies, Istanbul

Claudio Monge is a Dominican father who lives in the Dominican community of Istanbul since 2003. He studied theology at the Pontificia Università San Tommaso in Rome, and Turkish language and culture at the Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg. There, he received his doctorate in theology of religions too, with a dissertation on hospitality in the abrahamitic religions. Between 2009 and 2013 he participated to the research program of the Catholic University in Paris on the dialogue between the three monotheisms. Since 2013 he participates to another program on the problem of the translation of theological concepts in different cultural contexts. He is the author of Stranierità: nomadismo del’anima (EDB, 2014), Stranieri con Dio. L’ospitalità nelle tradizioni dei tre monoteismi abramitici (Edizioni Terra Santa, 2013) e Dieu hôte. Recherche historique et théologique sur les rituels de l’hospitalité (Zetabooks, 2008).

Vera Shevzov, Smith College, Northampton, MA

XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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The typology the strannik and the perception of the “stranger” in Russian Orthodoxy

Read more: Vera Shevzov, Smith College, Northampton, MA

Vera Shevzov, Smith College, Northampton, MA

Vera Shevzov is professor at the Smith College in Northampton. She studied theology at the St. Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary and received her doctorate at the Yale University, with a dissertation on “Popular Orthodoxy in Late Imperial Rural Russia”. She is a member of the American Academy on Religion and of the editorial groups of Eurasian Studies and of the series on Christian studies of the Northern Illinois University Press. She is the author of “Russian Orthodoxy on the Eve of Revolution” (Oxford University Press, 2004), winner of Frank S. & Elisabeth D. Brewer’s price.

Radu Bordeianu, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

XXV International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality
Bose, 6–9 September 2017
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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Eucharistic hospitality: a phenomenological analysis of recent Orthodox theology

Read more: Radu Bordeianu, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Radu Bordeianu, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Radu Bordeinau is associate professor of theology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, from which he received his doctorate in 2006, with a dissertation on The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae and Its Significance for Contemporary Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue. He is a member of the Orthodox Theological Society of America and has been its president from 2011 to 2013. He is assistant priest at the Holy Trinity Greek-Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh and partecipates in many groups of ecumenical dialogue. He is the autor of Dumitru Staniloae: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology (T&T Clark / Bloomsbury, 2013) and has published many articles on ecclesiological and ecumenical subjects.