
  The Word of God that is communicated to us, and in which God gives himself to us in Christ, is the true beginning of Christian communication, a form of communication in which we are already immersed before we become aware of our participation and accept this participation as our responsibility. Those who know how to communicate are those who recognize their own ontological poverty as the truth of who they are. And those who know that they are poor are also able to pray, to communicate with God and respond to the gift of his Word, because they know how to listen and receive. It is on the foundation of this poverty that community, life together with others, can be built up: community life is always the fruit of bearing together each member's poverty and weakness, rather than the sum of the strength of all. The Christian community is a fruit of the Spirit, a sign of God's communication to men and women, a sacrament of the gift that is the Word of God, and a loving response to God, who first loved us. God, "who is in himself Triune communion, creates communion with and among human beings by communicating his life to them, and asks that this life be communicated in turn to each brother and sister until it reaches all of creation" (Roberto Mancini).

From: ENZO BIANCHI, Words of Spirituality,
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London 2002