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Bose is a community of monks and nuns belonging to different Christian Churches, seeking God in obedience to the Gospel and living in fraternal communion and celibacy. We live in fellowship with men and women and at their service.

Letter to friends

Together ( , ) we hope

Letter to friends n. 77 - Christmas 2024

These lines reach you at the heart of Advent, dawn of a new liturgical year and sunset of a civil year. If the scanning of social time leads us more and more often — and with increasing anxiety — to ask "what future awaits us?", church time brings Christians back to an inverted question: "But do we really await the return of the Risen Lord?" and to the consequent question: "What do we do with this time? What do we do with this waiting?". It is in the light of this awareness that we would like to read with you some of the connotations that Christian waiting takes on in the calendar year that is now opening.